Galaxy Computer Center


Advance Excel

What You'll Learn



Whether you’re starting from square one or aspiring to become an absolute Excel power user, you’ve come to the right place.This course will give you a deep understanding of the advanced Excel formulas and functions that transform Excel from a basic spreadsheet program into a dynamic and powerful analytics tool. While most Excel courses focus on simply what each formula does, We teach through hands-on, contextual examples designed to showcase why these formulas are awesome and how they can be applied in a number of ways. We will not train you to regurgitate functions and formula syntax, We will teach you how to think like Excel.

Who this course is for

Course Content

Advance Excel (2 – 3 MONTH)

Basic Understanding Menu And Toolbar Introduction To Different Category Of Functions Like Basics Mathematical And Statistical Date And Time Logical Lookup And References Text And Information.

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Date Day Month Year Edate Eomonth Networkday Workday Weekday Weeknum Weekday Hour Now Today Time ute Minute fo Second
Char Clear Code Concatenate Find Search Substitute Replace Len Right Left Mid Lower Upper Proper Text Trim Value Large Small Fillters (basic Advanced Conditional) Sort Ascending Descending Cell Font Color Conditional Formatting Data Validation Group & Ungroup Data Split.
Max Min Len Right Left Mid Median
Overview of Chart Types Chart Formatting Interctive Dashboard With From Controls